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mPDF 7.0.0

### 22/03/2016

Backward incompatible changes

- PHP `^5.6 || ~7.0.0 || ~7.1.0 || ~7.2.0` is required.
- Entire project moved under `Mpdf` namespace
    - Practically all classes renamed to use `PascalCase` and named to be more verbose
    - Changed directory structure to comply to `PSR-4`
- Removed explicit require calls, replaced with Composer autoloading
- Removed configuration files
    - All configuration now done via `__construct` parameter (see below)
- Changed `\Mpdf\Mpdf` constructor signature
    - Class now accepts only single array `$config` parameter
    - Array keys are former `config.php` and `config_fonts.php` properties
    - Additionally, former constructor parameters can be used as keys
- `tempDir` directory now must be writable, otherwise an exception is thrown
- ICC profile is loaded as entire path to file (to prevent a need to write inside vendor directory)
- Moved examples to separate repository
- Moved `TextVars` constants to separate class
- Moved border constants to separate class
- `scriptToLang` and `langToFont` in separate interfaced class methods
- Will now throw an exception when `mbstring.func_overload` is set
- Moved Glyph operator `GF_` constants in separate `\Mpdf\Fonts\GlyphOperator` class
- All methods in Barcode class renamed to camelCase including public `dec_to_hex` and `hex_to_dec`
Matej Humpal's avatar
Matej Humpal committed
- Decimal conversion methods (to roman, cjk, etc.) were moved to classes in `\Mpdf\Conversion` namespace
- Images in PHP variables (`<img src="var:smileyface">`) were moved from direct Mpdf properties to `Mpdf::$imageVars` public property array
- Removed global `_SVG_AUTOFONT` and `_SVG_CLASSES` constants in favor of `svgAutoFont` and `svgClasses` configuration keys
- Moved global `_testIntersect`, `_testIntersectCircle` and `calc_bezier_bbox` fucntions inside `Svg` class as private methods.
    - Changed names to camelCase without underscores and to `computeBezierBoundingBox`
- Security: Embedded files via `<annotation>` custom tag must be explicitly allowed via `allowAnnotationFiles` configuration key
- `fontDir` property of Mpdf class is private and must be accessed via configuration variable with array of paths or `AddFontDirectory` method
- QR code `<barcode>` element now treats `\r\n` and `\n` as actual line breaks
Matej Humpal's avatar
Matej Humpal committed
- cURL is prefered over socket when downloading images.
Removed features

- Progressbar support
- JpGraph support
- `error_reporting` changes
- Timezone changes
- `compress.php` utility
- `_MPDF_PATH` and `_MPDF_URI` constants
- `_MPDF_TEMP_PATH` constant in favor of `tempDir` configuration variable
- `_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH` in  favor of `tempDir` configuration variable
- `_MPDFK` constant in favor of `\Mpdf\Mpdf::SCALE` class constant
- `FONT_DESCRIPTOR` constant in favor of `fontDescriptor` configuration variable
- `_MPDF_SYSTEM_TTFONTS` constant in favor of `fontDir` configuration variable with array of paths or `AddFontDirectory` method
- HTML output of error messages and debugs
- Formerly deprecated methods

Fixes and code enhancements

- Fixed joining arab letters
- Fixed redeclared `unicode_hex` function
- Converted arrays to short syntax
- Refactored and tested color handling with potential conversion fixes in `hsl*()` color definitions
- Refactored `Barcode` class with separate class in `Mpdf\Barcode` namespace for each barcode type
Matej Humpal's avatar
Matej Humpal committed
- Fixed colsum calculation for different locales (by @flow-control in #491)
Matej Humpal's avatar
Matej Humpal committed
- Image type guessing from content separated to its own class

New features

- Refactored caching (custom `Cache` and `FontCache` classes)
- Implemented `Psr\Log\LoggerAware` interface
    - All debug and additional messages are now sent to the logger
    - Messages can be filtered based on `\Mpdf\Log\Context` class constants
- `FontFileFinder` class allowing to specify multiple paths to search for fonts
- `MpdfException` now extends `ErrorException` to allow specifying place in code where error occured
- Generating font metrics moved to separate class
- Added `\Mpdf\Output\Destination` class with verbose output destination constants
- Availability to set custom default CSS file
- Availability to set custom hyphenation dictionary file
- Refactored code portions to new "separate" classes:
    - `Mpdf\Color\*` classes
        - `ColorConvertor`
        - `ColorModeConvertor`
        - `ColorSpaceRestrictor`
    - `Mpdf\SizeConvertor`
    - `Mpdf\Hyphenator`
Matej Humpal's avatar
Matej Humpal committed
    - `Mpdf\Image\ImageProcessor`
    - `Mpdf\Image\ImageTypeGuesser`
    - `Mpdf\Conversion\*` classes
- Custom watermark angle with `watermarkAngle` configuration variable
- Custom document properties (idea by @zarubik in #142)
- PDF/A-3 associated files + additional xmp rdf (by @chab in #130)
- Additional font directories can be added via `addFontDir` method
- Introduced `cleanup` method which restores original `mb_` encoding settings (see #421)
- QR code `<barcode>` element now treats `\r\n` and `\n` as actual line breaks
Matej Humpal's avatar
Matej Humpal committed
- Customizable following of 3xx HTTP redirects, validation of SSL certificates, cURL timeout.
    - `curlFollowLocation`
    - `curlAllowUnsafeSslRequests`
    - `curlTimeout`
- QR codes can be generated without a border using `disableborder="1"` HTML attribute in `<barcode>` tag
Git repository enhancements

- Added contributing guidelines
- Added Issue template

mPDF 6.1.0

### 26/04/2016

- Composer updates
    - First release officially supporting Composer
    - Updated license in composer.json
    - Chmod 777 on dirs `ttfontdata`, `tmp`, `graph_cache` after composer install
- Requiring PHP 5.4.0+ with Composer
- Code style
    - Reformated (almost) all PHP files to keep basic code style
    - Removed trailing whitespaces
    - Converted all txt, php, css, and htm files to utf8
    - Removed closing PHP tags
    - Change all else if calls to elseif
- Added base PHPUnit tests
- Added Travis CI integration with unit tests
- Changed all `mPDF::Error` and `die()` calls to throwing `MpdfException`
- PDF Import changes
    - FPDI updated to 1.6.0 to fix incompatible licenses
    - FPDI loaded from Composer or manually only
- Removed iccprofiles/CMYK directory
- Renamed example files: change spaces to underscores to make scripting easier
- Fixed `LEDGER` and `TABLOID` paper sizes
- Implemented static cache for mpdf function `ConvertColor`.
- Removed PHP4 style constructors
- Work with HTML tags separated to `Tag` class
- Fixed most Strict standards PHP errors
- Add config constant so we can define custom font data
    - fax & tel support in href attribute
    - Check $html in `$mpdf->WriteHTML()` to see if it is an integer, float, string, boolean or
      a class with `__toString()` and cast to a string, otherwise throw exception.
- PHP 7
    - Fix getting image from internal variable in PHP7 (4dcc2b4)
    - Fix PHP7 Fatal error: `'break' not in the 'loop' or 'switch' context` (002bb8a)
- Fixed output file name for `D` and `I` output modes (issue #105, f297546)

mPDF 6.0

### 20/12/2014

New features / Improvements
Support for OpenTypeLayout tables / features for complex scripts and Advances Typography.
Improved bidirectional text handling.
Improved line-breaking, including for complex scripts e.g. Lao, Thai and Khmer.
Updated page-breaking options.
Automatic language mark-up and font selection using autoScriptToLang and autoLangToFont.
Kashida for text-justification in arabic scripts.
Index collation for non-ASCII characters.
Index mark-up allowing control over layout using CSS.
{PAGENO} and {nbpg} can use any of the number types as in list-style e.g. set in `<pagebreak>` using pagenumstyle.
CSS support for lists.
Default stylesheet - mpdf.css - updated.

Added CSS support
- lang attribute selector e.g. :lang(fr), [lang="fr"]
- font-variant-position
- font-variant-caps
- font-variant-ligatures
- font-variant-numeric
- font-variant-alternates - Only [normal | historical-forms] supported (i.e. most are NOT supported)
- font-variant - as above, and except for: east-asian-variant-values, east-asian-width-values, ruby
- font-language-override
- font-feature-settings
- text-outline is now supported on TD/TH tags
- hebrew, khmer, cambodian, lao, and cjk-decimal recognised as values for "list-style-type" in numbered lists and page numbering.
- list-style-image and list-style-position
- transform (on `<img>` only)
- text-decoration:overline
- image-rendering
- unicode-bidi (also `<bdi>` tag)
- vertical-align can use lengths e.g. 0.5em
- line-stacking-strategy
- line-stacking-shift

mPDF 5.7.4

### 15/12/2014

Bug Fixes & Minor Additions
- SVG images now support embedded images e.g. `<image xlink:href="image.png" width="100px" height="100px" />`
- SVG images now supports `<tspan>` element e.g. `<tspan x,y,dx,dy,text-anchor >`, and also `<tref>`
- SVG images now can use Autofont (see top of `classes/svg.php` file)
- SVG images now has limited support for CSS classes (see top of `classes/svg.php` file)
- SVG images - style inheritance improved
- SVG images - improved handling of comments and other extraneous code
- SVG images - fix to ensure opacity is reset before another element
- SVG images - font-size not resetting after a `<text>` element
- SVG radial gradients bug (if the focus [fx,fy] lies outside circle defined by [cx,cy] and r) cf. pservers-grad-15-b.svg
- SVG allows spaces in attribute definitions in `<use>` or `<defs>` e.g. `<use x = "0" y = "0" xlink:href = "#s3" />`
- SVG text which contains a `<` sign, it will break the text - now processed as `&lt;` (despite the fact that this does not conform to XML spec)
- SVG images - support automatic font selection and (minimal) use of CSS classes - cf. the defined constants at top of svg.php file
- SVG images - text-anchor now supported as a CSS style, as well as an HTML attribute
- CSS support for :nth-child() selector improved to fully support the draft CSS3 spec -
    [NB only works on table columns or rows]
- text-indent when set as "em" - incorrectly calculated if last text in line in different font size than for block
- CSS not applying cascaded styles on `<A>` elements - [changed MergeCSS() type to INLINE for 'A', LEGEND, METER and PROGRESS]
- fix for underline/strikethrough/overline so that line position(s) are based correctly on font-size/font in nested situations
- Error: Strict warning: Only variables should be passed by reference - in PHP5.5.9
- bug accessing images from some servers (HTTP 403 Forbidden whn accessed using fopen etc.)
- Setting page format incorrectly set default twice and missed some options
- bug fixed in Overwrite() when specifying replacement as a string
- barcode C93 - updated C93 code from TCPDF because of bug - incorrect checksum character for "153-2-4"
- Tables - bug when using colspan across columns which may have a cell width specified
- Tables - cell height (when specified) is not resized when table is shrunk
- Tables - if table width specified, but narrower than minimum cell wdith, and less than page width - table will expand to
    minimum cell width(s) as long as $keep_table_proportions = true
- Tables - if using packTableData, and borders-collapse, wider border is overwriting content of adjacent cell
    Test case:
    <table style="border-collapse: collapse;">
    <tr><td style="border-bottom: 42px solid #0FF; "> Hallo world </td></tr>
    <tr><td style="border-top: 14px solid #0F0; "> Hallo world </td></tr>
- Images - image height is reset proportional to original if width is set to maximum e.g. `<img width="100%" height="20mm">`
- URL handling changed to work with special characters in path fragments; affects `<a>` links, `<img>` images and
    - also to ignore `../` included as a query value
- Barcodes with bottom numerals e.g. EAN-13 - incorrect numeral size when using core fonts


NB Spec. for embedded SVG images:
as per
Attributes supported:
- x
- y
- xlink:href (required) - can be jpeg, png or gif image - not vector (SVG or WMF) image
- width (required)
- height (required)
- preserveAspectRatio

Note: all attribute names and values are case-sensitive
width and height cannot be assigned by CSS - must be attributes

mPDF 5.7.3

### 24/8/2014

Bug Fixes & Minor Additions

- Tables - cellSpacing and cellPadding taking preference over CSS stylesheet
- Tables - background images in table inside HTML Footer incorrectly positioned
- Tables - cell in a nested table with a specified width, should determine width of parent table cell
- Tables - colspan (on a row after first row) exceeds number of columns in table
- Gradients in Imported documents (mPDFI) causing error in some browsers
- Fatal error after page-break-after:always on root level block element
- Support for 'https/SSL' if file_get_contents_by_socket required (e.g. getting images with allow_url_fopen turned off)
- Improved support for specified ports when getting external CSS stylesheets e.g.
- error accessing local .css files with dummy queries (cache-busting) e.g. mpdfstyleA4.css?v=
- start of end tag in PRE incorrectly changed to &lt;
- error thrown when open.basedir restriction in effect (deleting temporary files)
- image which forces pagebreak incorrectly positioned at top of page
- [changes to avoid warning notices by checking if (isset(x)) before referencing it]
- text with letter-spacing set inside table which needs to be resixed (shrunk) - letter-spacing was not adjusted
- nested table incorrectly calculating width and unnecessarily wrapping text
- vertical-align:super|sub can be nested using `<span>` elements
- inline elements can be nested e.g. text `<sup>text<sup>13</sup>text</sup>` text
- CSS vertical-align:0.5em (or %) now supported
- underline and strikethrough now use the parent inline block baseline/fontsize/color for child inline elements *** change in behaviour
    (Adjusts line height to take account of superscript and subscript except in tables)
- nested table incorrectly calculating width and unnecessarily wrapping text
- tables - font size carrying over from one nested table to the next nested table
- tables - border set as attribute on `<TABLE>` overrides border set as CSS on `<TD>`
- tables - if table width set to 100% and one cell/column is empty with no padding/border, sizing incorrectly
- `<main>` added as recognised tag
- CSS style transform supported on `<img>` element (only)
    All transform functions are supported except matrix() i.e. translate(), translateX(), translateY(), skew(), skewX(), skewY(),
    scale(), scaleX(), scaleY(), rotate()
    NB When using Columns or Keep-with-table (use_kwt), cannot use transform
- CSS background-color now supported on `<img>` element
- @page :first not recognised unless @page {} has styles set
- left/right margins not allowed on @page :first

mPDF 5.7.2

### 28/12/2013

Bug Fixes

- `<tfoot>` not printing at all (since v5.7)
- list-style incorrectly overriding list-style-type in cascading CSS
- page-break-after:avoid not taking into account bottom padding and margin when estimating if next line can fit on page
- images not displayed when using "https://" if images are referenced by src="//"
- +aCJK incorrectly parsed when instantiating class e.g. new mpDF('ja+aCJK')
- line-breaking - zero-width object at end of line (e.g. index entry) causing a space left untrimmed at end of line
- ToC since v5.7 incorrectly handling non-ascii characters, entities or tags
- cell height miscalculated when using hard-hyphenate
- border colors set with transparency not working
- transparency settings for stroke and fill interfering with one another
- 'float' inside a HTML header/footer - not clearing the float before first line of text
- error if script run across date change at midnight
- temporary file name collisions (e.g. when processing images) if numerous users
- `<watermarkimage>` position attribute not working
- `<` (less-than sign) inside a PRE element, and NOT start of a valid tag, was incorrectly removed
- file attachments not opening in Reader XI
- JPG images not recognised if not containing JFIF or Exif markers
- instance of preg_replace with /e modifier causing error in PHP 5.5
- correctly handle CSS URLs with no scheme
- Index entries causing errors when repeat entries are used within page-break-inside:avoid, rotated tables etc.
- table with fixed width column and long word in cell set to colspan across this column (adding spare width to all columns)
- incorrect hyphenation if multiple soft-hyphens on line before break
- SVG images - objects contained in `<defs>` being displayed
- SVG images - multiple, or quoted fonts e.g. style="font-family:'lucida grande', verdana" not recognised
- SVG images - line with opacity=0 still visible (only in some PDF viewers/browsers)
- text in an SVG image displaying with incorrect font in some PDF viewers/browsers
- SVG images - fill:RGB(0,0,0) not recognised when uppercase
- background images using data:image\/(jpeg|gif|png);base64 format - error when reading in stylesheet

New CSS support

- added support for style="opacity:0.6;" in SVG images - previously only supported style="fill-opacity:0.6; stroke-opacity: 0.6;"
- improved PNG image handling for some cases of alpha channel transparency
- khmer, cambodian and lao recognised as list-style-type for numbered lists

SVG Images

- Limited support for `<use>` and `<defs>`

mPDF 5.7.1
## 01/09/2013

1) FILES: mpdf.php

Bug fix; Dollar sign enclosed by `<pre>` tag causing error.
Test e.g.: `<pre>Test $1.00 Test</pre> <pre>Test $2.00 Test</pre> <pre>Test $3.00 Test</pre> <pre>Test $4.00 Test</pre>`


2) FILES: includes/functions.php AND mpdf.php

Changes to `preg_replace` with `/e` modifier to use `preg_replace_callback`
(/e depracated from PHP 5.5)


3) FILES: classes/barcode.php

Small change to function `barcode_c128()` which allows ASCII 0 - 31 to be used in C128A e.g. chr(13) in:
`<barcode code="5432&#013;1068" type="C128A" />`


4) FILES: mpdf.php

Using $use_kwt ("keep-[heading]-with-table") if `<h4></h4>` before table is on 2 lines and pagebreak occurs after first line
the first line is displayed at the bottom of the 2nd page.
Edited so that $use_kwt only works if the HEADING is only one line. Else ignores (but prints correctly)


5) FILES: mpdf.php

Clearing old temporary files from `_MPDF_TEMP_PATH` will now ignore "hidden" files e.g. starting with a "`.`" `.htaccess`, `.gitignore` etc.
and also leave `dummy.txt` alone

mPDF 5.7

### 14/07/2013

Files changed
- config.php
- mpdf.php
- classes/tocontents.php
- classes/cssmgr.php
- classes/svg.php
- includes/functions.php
- includes/out.php
- examples/formsubmit.php [Important - Security update]

Updated Example Files in /examples/

- All example files
- mpdfstyleA4.css


- $this->hyphenateTables
- $this->hyphenate
- $this->orphansAllowed
- "hyphens: manual" - Added to $this->defaultCSS
- $this->allowedCSStags now includes '|TEXTCIRCLE|DOTTAB'
- $this->decimal_align = array('DP'=>'.', 'DC'=>',', 'DM'=>"\xc2\xb7", 'DA'=>"\xd9\xab", 'DD'=>'-');
- $this->h2toc = array('H1'=>0, 'H2'=>1, 'H3'=>2);
- $this->h2bookmarks = array('H1'=>0, 'H2'=>1, 'H3'=>2);
- $this->CJKforceend = false; // Forces overflowng punctuation to hang outside right margin (used with CJK script)

Backwards compatability

Changes in mPDF 5.7 may cause some changes to the way your documents appear. There are two main differences:
1) Hyphenation. To retain appearance compatible with earlier versions, set the CSS property "hyphens: auto" whenever
    you previously used $mpdf->hyphenate=true;
2) Table of Contents - appearance can now be controlled with CSS styles. By default, in mPDF 5.7, no styling is applied so you will get:
    - No indent (previous default of 5mm) - ($tocindent is ignored)
    - Any font, font-size set ($tocfont or $tocfontsize) will not work
    - HyperLinks will appear with your default appearance - usually blue and underlined
    - line spacing will be narrower (can use line-height or margin-top in CSS)

New features / Improvements
- Layout of Table of Content ToC now controlled using CSS styles
- Text alignment on decimal mark inside tables
- Automatically generated bookmarks and/or ToC entries from H1 - H6 tags
- Support for unit of "rem" as size e.g. font-size: 1rem;
- Origin and clipping for background images and gradients controlled by CSS i.e. background-origin, background-size, background-clip
- Text-outline controlled by CSS (compatible with CSS3 spec.)
- Use of `<dottab>` enhanced by custom CSS "outdent" property
- Image HTML attributes `<img>` added: max-height, max-width, min-height and min-width
- Spotcolor can now be defined as it is used e.g. color: spot(PANTONE 534 EC, 100%, 85, 65, 47, 9);
- Lists - added support for "start" attribute in `<ol>` e.g. `<ol start="5">`
- Hyphenation controlled using CSS, consistent with CSS3 spec.
- Line breaking improved to avoid breaks within words where HTML tags are used e.g. H<sub>2<sub>0
- Line breaking in CJK scripts improved (and ability to force hanging punctuation)
- Numerals in a CJK script are kept together
- RTL improved support for phrases containing numerals and \ and /
- Bidi override codes supported - Right-to-Left Embedding [RLE] U+202B, Left-to-Right Embedding [LRE] U+202A,
- Support for `<base href="">` in HTML - uses it to SetBasePath for relative URLs.
- HTML tag - added support for `<wbr>` or `<wbr />` - converted to a soft-hyphen
- CSS now takes precedence over HTML attribute e.g. `<table bgcolor="black" style="background-color:yellow">`
- max-height, max-width, min-height and min-width for images `<img>`
- "hyphens: none|manual|auto" as per CSS3 spec.
- Decimal mark alignment e.g. text-align: "." center;
- "rem" accepted as a valid (font)size in CSS e.g. font-size: 1.5rem
- text-outline, text-outline-width and text-outline-color supported everywhere except in tables (blur not supported)
- background-origin, background-size, background-clip are now supported everywhere except in tables
- "visibility: hidden|visible|printonly|screenonly" for inline elements e.g. `<span>`
- Colors: device-cmyk(c,m,y,k) as per CSS3 spec. For consistency, device-cmyka also supported (not CSS3 spec)
- "z-index" can be used to utilise layers in the PDF document
- Custom CSS property added: "outdent" - opposite of indent

The HTML elements `<dottab>` and `<textcircle>` can now have CSS properties applied to them.

Bug fixes
- SVG images - path including e.g. 1.234E-15 incorrectly parsed (not recognising capital E)
- Tables - if a table starts when the Y position on page is below bottom margin caused endless loop
- Float-ing DIVs - starting a float at bottom of page and it causes page break before anything output, second new page is forced
- Tables - Warning notice now given in Table footer or header if `<tfoot>` placed after `<tbody>` and table spans page
- Columns - block with border-width wider than the length of the border line, line overflows
- Columns - block with no padding containing a block with borders but no backgound colour, borders not printed
- Table in Columns - when background color set by surrounding block element - colour missing for height of half bottom border.
- TOCpagebreakByArray() when called by function was not adding the pagebreak
- Border around block element - dashed not showing correctly (not resetting linewidth between different edges)
- Double border in table - when background colour set in surrounding block element - shows as black line between the 2 bits of double
- Borders around DIVs - "double" border problem if not all 4 sides equally - fixed
- Borders around DIVs - solid (and double) borders overlap as in tables - now fixed so mitred joins as in browser
    [Inadvertently improves borders in Columns because of change in LineCap]
- Page numbering - $mpdf->pagenumSuffix etc not suppressed in HTML headers/footers if number suppressed
- Page numbering - Page number total {nbpg} incorrect  - e.g. showing decreasing numbers through document, when ToC present
- RTL numerals - incorrectly reversing a number followed by a comma
- Transform to uppercase/lowercase not working for chars > ASCII 128 when using core fonts
- TOCpagebreak - Not setting TOC-FOOTER
- TOCpagebreak - toc-even-header-name etc. not working
- Parsing some relative URLs incorrectly
- Textcircle - when moved to next page by "page-break-inside: avoid"
- Bookmarks will now work if jump more than one level e.g. 0,2,1  Inserts a new blank entry at level 1
- Paths to img or stylesheets - incorrectly reading "//" i.e. when starting with two /
- data:image as background url() - incorrectly adjusting path on server if MPDF_PATH not specified (included in release mPDF 5.6.1)
- Image problem if spaces or commas in path using http:// URL (included in release mPDF 5.6.1)
- Image URL parsing rewritten to handle both urlencoded URLs and not urlencoded (included in release mPDF 5.6.1)
- `<dottab>` fixed to allow color, font-size and font-family to be correctly used, avoid dots being moved to new page, and to work in RTL
- Table {colsum} summed figures in table header
- list-style-type (custom) colour not working
- `<tocpagebreak>` toc-preHTML and toc-postHTML can now contain quotes

mPDF 5.6

### 20/01/2013

Files changed
- mpdf.php
- config.php
- includes/functions.php
- classes/meter.php
- classes/directw.php

config.php changes

- $this->allowedCSStags - added HTML5 tags + textcircle AND
- $this->outerblocktags - added HTML5 tags
- $this->defaultCSS  - added default CSS properties

New features / Improvements
CSS support added for for min-height, min-width, max-height and max-width in `<img>`
- `<img src="data:image/gif;base64,....">` improved to make it more robust, and background: `url(data:image...` now added to work
- as generic block elements: `<article><aside><details><figure><figcaption><footer><header><hgroup><nav><section><summary>`
- as in-line elements: `<mark><time><meter><progress>`
- `<mark>` has a default CSS set in config.php to yellow highlight
- `<meter>` and `<progress>` support attributes as for HTML5
- custom appearances for `<meter>` and `<progress>` can be made by editing `classes/meter.php` file
- `<meter>` and `<progress>` suppress text inside the tags

- font: "auto" added: automatically sizes text to fill semicircle (if both set) or full circle (if only one set)
    NB for this AND ALL CSS on `<textcircle>`: does not inherit CSS styles
- attribute: divider="[characters including HTML entities]" added
- `<textcircle r="30mm" top-text="Text Circular Text Circular" bottom-text="Text Circular Text Circular"
    divider="&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;" style="font-size: auto" />`

&raquo; &rsquo; &sbquo; &bdquo; are now included in "orphan"-management at the end of lines

Improved CJK line wrapping (if CJK character at end of line, breaks there rather than previous wordspace)

NB mPDF 5.5 added support for `<fieldset>` and `<legend>` (omitted from ChangeLog)

Bug fixes

- embedded fonts: Panose string incorrectly output as decimals - changed to hexadecimal
    Only a problem in limited circumstances.
    *****Need to delete all ttfontdata/ files in order for fix to have effect.
- `<textCircle>` background white even when set to none/transparent
- border="0" causing mPDF to add border to table CELLS as well as table
- iteration counter in THEAD crashed in some circumstances
- CSS color now supports spaces in the rgb() format e.g. border: 1px solid rgb(170, 170, 170);
- CJK not working in table following changes made in v5.4
- images fixed to work with Google Chart API (now mPDF does not urldecode the query part of the src)
- CSS `<style>` within HTML page crashed if CSS is too large  (? > 32Kb)
- SVG image nested int eht HTML failed to show if code too large (? > 32Kb)
- cyrillic character p &#1088; at end of table cell caused cell height to be incorrectly calculated

mPDF 5.5

### 02/03/2012

Files changed

- mpdf.php
- classes/ttfontsuni.php
- classes/svg.php
- classes/tocontents.php
- config.php
- config_fonts.php
- utils/font_collections.php
- utils/font_coverage.php
- utils/font_dump.php

Files added


config.php changes

To avoid just the border/background-color of the (empty) end of a block being moved on to next page (`</div></div>`)

`$this->margBuffer = 0; // Allow an (empty) end of block to extend beyond the bottom margin by this amount (mm)`

config_fonts.php changes

Added to (arabic) fonts to allow "use non-mapped Arabic Glyphs" e.g. for Pashto
    'unAGlyphs' => true,

Arabic text

Arabic text (RTL) rewritten with improved support for Pashto/Sindhi/Urdu/Kurdish
    Presentation forms added:
    U+0649, U+0681, U+0682, U+0685, U+069A-U+069E, U+06A0, U+06A2, U+06A3, U+06A5, U+06AB-U+06AE,
    U+06B0-U+06B4, U+06B5-U+06B9, U+06BB, U+06BC, U+06BE, U+06BF, U+06C0, U+06CD, U+06CE, U+06D1, U+06D3, U+0678
    Joining improved:
    U+0672, U+0675, U+0676, U+0677, U+0679-U+067D, U+067F, U+0680, U+0683, U+0684, U+0687, U+0687, U+0688-U+0692,
    U+0694, U+0695, U+0697, U+0699, U+068F, U+06A1, U+06A4, U+06A6, U+06A7, U+06A8, U+06AA, U+06BA, U+06C2-U+06CB, U+06CF

Note - Some characters in Pashto/Sindhi/Urdu/Kurdish do not have Unicode values for the final/initial/medial forms of the characters.
However, some fonts include these characters "un-mapped" to Unicode (including XB Zar and XB Riyaz, which are bundled with mPDF).
    `'unAGlyphs' => true`, added to the config_fonts.php file for appropriate fonts will

This requires the font file to include a Format 2.0 POST table which references the glyphs as e.g. or uni067C.medi:
    e.g. XB Riyaz, XB Zar, Arabic Typesetting (MS), Arial (MS)

NB If you want to know if a font file is suitable, you can open a .ttf file in a text editor and search for "" - if it exists, it may work!
Using "unAGlyphs" forces subsetting of fonts, and will not work with SIP/SMP fonts (using characters beyond the Unicode BMP Plane).

mPDF maps these characters to part of the Private Use Area allocated by Unicode U+F500-F7FF. This could interfere with correct use
if the font already utilises these codes (unlikely).

mPDF now deletes U+200C,U+200D,U+200E,U+200F zero-widthjoiner/non-joiner, LTR and RTL marks so they will not appear
even though some fonts contain glyphs for these characters.

Other New features / Improvements
Avoid just the border/background-color of the (empty) end of a block being moved on to next page (`</div></div>`)
using configurable variable: `$this->margBuffer`;

The TTFontsUni class contained a long function (extractcoreinfo) which is not used routinely in mPDF

This has been moved to a new file: classes/ttfontsuni_analysis.php.

The 3 utility scripts have been updated to use the new extended class:

- utils/font_collections.php
- utils/font_coverage.php
- utils/font_dump.php

Bug fixes
- Border & background when closing 2 blocks (e.g. `</div></div>`) incorrectly being moved to next page because incorrectly
    calculating how much space required
- Fixed/Absolute-positioned elements not inheriting letter-spacing style
- Rotated cell - error if text-rotate set on a table cell, but no text content in cell
- SVG images, text-anchor not working
- Nested table - not resetting cell style (font, color etc) after nested table, if text follows immediately
- Nested table - font-size 70% set in extenal style sheet; if repeated nested tables, sets 70% of 70% etc etc
- SVG setting font-size as percent on successive `<text>` elements gives progressively smaller text
- mPDF will check if magic_quotes_runtime set ON even >= PHP 5.3 (will now cause an error message)
- not resetting after 2 nested tags of same type e.g. `<b><b>bold</b></b>` still bold
- When using charset_in other than utf-8, HTML Footers using tags e.g. `<htmlpageheader>` do not decode correctly
- ToC if nested > 3 levels, line spacing reduces and starts to overlap

Older changes can be seen [on the documentation site](