Release v2.9.0 This is a minor release of Doctrine DBAL that aggregates over 40 fixes and improvements developed by 18 contributors over the last 5 months. This release includes all changes of the 2.8.x series, as well as feature additions and improvements that couldn't land in patch releases. ## Backwards Compatibility Breaks This doesn't contain any intentional Backwards Compatibility (BC) breaks. ## Deprecations * The usage of `NULL` to specify the absence of an offset in `LIMIT`ed queries is deprecated. Use `0` instead. * It's not recommended to rely on the default length specified by implementations of `Type`. These values are not used by the library and will be removed. * It's not recommended to rely on the string representation of `Type` objects. * Regular-expression based asset filters are deprecated in favor of callback-based as more extensible. * Calling `Statement::fetchColumn()` with an invalid column index is deprecated. * The `dbal:import` CLI command is deprecated. Please use other database client applications for import. Please see details in the []( documentation. ## New Features * Added support for MariaDB 10.3. * Added support for Windows authentication for SQL Server. * Added support for column length in index definitions on MySQL. ## Improvements and Fixes * Implemented handling BLOB objects represented as streams in the MySQL (`mysqli`) driver. * Implemented handling BLOB objects represented as streams in the IDM DB2 driver. * DBAL is now continuously tested with the PDO driver for Oracle. * Implemented handling of URLs in master-slave and pooling-shard connection configuration. * The codebase is now fully compatible with the Doctrine Coding Standard v5.0. Total issues resolved: **45** **Deprecations:** - [3244: Deprecated dbal:import CLI command]( thanks to @morozov - [3253: Deprecated usage of the NULL offset in LIMITed queries]( thanks to @morozov - [3256: Deprecate Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type::getDefaultLength()]( thanks to @Majkl578 - [3258: Deprecate Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type::__toString()]( thanks to @Majkl578 - [3316: Deprecated regex-based asset filters]( thanks to @morozov - [3359: Removed DataAccessTest::testFetchColumnNonExistingIndex() since it covers a bug in PDO]( thanks to @morozov **New Features:** - [2412: Add mysql specific indexes with lengths]( thanks to @bburnichon - [3278: Add support for MariaDB 10.3]( thanks to @javiereguiluz - [3283: MariaDB improvements, support 10.3]( thanks to @sidz - [3333: Allow windows (userless/passwordless) authentication for SQL Server]( thanks to @odinsey **Bug Fixes:** - [3355: Implemented comparison of default values as strings regardless of their PHP types]( thanks to @morozov and @Majkl578 **Improvements:** - [3201: Fix support for URL to account for master-slave and pooling-shard connections]( thanks to @stof - [3217: Fix that MysqliStatement cannot handle streams]( thanks to @mpdude - [3235: Use PSR-4 autoloader]( thanks to @Majkl578 - [3254: Throw ConversionException when unserialization fail for array and object types]( thanks to @seferov - [3259: Update export ignores]( thanks to @Majkl578 - [3309: Implemented handling BLOBs represented as stream resources for IBM DB2]( thanks to @morozov and @mpdude - [3331: Fetch all should use the driver statement's fetchAll method]( thanks to @michaelcullum **Documentation Improvements:** - [3223: GitHub template grammar/spelling fixes]( thanks to @GawainLynch - [3232: Removed NOW() from QueryBuilder usage examples]( thanks to @morozov - [3239: 2.8 in README & branch alias to 2.9]( thanks to @Majkl578 - [3269: Fixed type hints in DockBlocks]( thanks to @marforon - [3275: Add .doctrine-project.json to root of the project.]( thanks to @jwage - [3276: Update homepage]( thanks to @Majkl578 - [3280: Use behaviuor instead of behavior]( thanks to @BackEndTea - [3285: Remove old comment from MysqliStatement]( thanks to @mpdude - [3318: Removed link to from doc blocks]( thanks to @morozov - [3319: remove ClassLoader]( thanks to @garak - [3337: Fix of links in documentation]( thanks to @SenseException - [3350: Remove pdo_sqlsrv from known vendor issues list]( thanks to @ostrolucky - [3357: Fix typo]( thanks to @BenMorel - [3370: Removed 2.7 from README]( thanks to @morozov **Code Quality Improvements:** - [3252: Replaced call_user_func_array() of a fixed method with the usage of variadic arguments]( thanks to @morozov - [3306: Fixed coding standard violations in the codebase]( thanks to @morozov - [3303: Updated doctrine/coding-standard to 5.0, ]( thanks to @morozov - [3317: Implemented proper escaping of string literals in platforms and schema managers]( thanks to @morozov - [3363: Remove redundant implements]( thanks to @BenMorel **Continuous Integration Improvements:** - [3307: Test against the latest stable sqlsrv extension]( thanks to @morozov - [3320: Trying to fix failing DB builds]( thanks to @morozov - [3325: Updated PHPUnit to 7.4]( thanks to @morozov - [3339: ContinuousPHP configuration for PDO Oracle driver]( thanks to @morozov - [3365: Reorganize Travis build matrix]( thanks to @BenMorel