Release v2.7.2 []( This release backports the bug fixes implemented in newer DBAL versions. Total issues resolved: **7** **Platforms:** - [3103: Added keywords OVER and RETURNING for MariaDb102]( thanks to @mdriessen **Schema Comparison:** - [3086: Postgres, Oracle and SQL Server Sequence increment_by & min_value as int]( thanks to @simPod - [3210: Unnecessary alter sequence queries generated on Oracle db during schema update]( thanks to @bobvandevijver **Performance:** - [3114: Portability Statement still fetches all data in iterator mode]( thanks to @morozov - [3115: Replaced ArrayIterator with StatementIterator in Portability\Connection]( thanks to @morozov **Documentation**: - [3121: Document how to opt-in for deprecations]( thanks to @Majkl578 - [3123: Opt in deprecations docs]( thanks to @greg0ire