This is a minor release of Doctrine DBAL that aggregates over 80 fixes and improvements developed over the last 8 months. This release includes all changes of the `2.6.x` series, as well as feature additions and improvements that couldn't land in patch releases. **Backwards Compatibility Breaks** This release comes with one potential Backwards Compatibility (BC) break that is to be considered during upgrade. Please see the details below. **Dependency requirement changes** There are no changes in requirements to runtime dependencies. **Deprecations** * Direct usage of `PDO::` constants in calls to DBAL API is deprecated. * Calls to `\PDOStatement` methods on a `\Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOStatement` instance are deprecated. * A series of enum-like constants are deprecated. * Setting unsupported options on a schema column object is deprecated. Please see details in the []( documentation. **New features** This release introduces the following major additions: * MariaDB 10.2 platform support * PostgreSQL 10 platform support **Improvements and Fixes** This release comes with a few bug fixes and a significant set of improvements in continuous integration processes, code style and documentation: * The code is continuously tested on all supported versions of SQL Server on Windows and Linux. * The code is tested with lowest compatible versions of dependencies. * New improved code style requirements have been introduced. * The codebase has been cleaned up from the fragments required to support the older PHP versions and uses the full power of the PHP 7.1. * All pull request are validated for compliance with the coding standards before getting accepted. * Handling of platform-specific features has been improved. A detailed list of fixes can be found below. Total issues resolved: **81** **BC Breaks:** - [2579: DateIntervalType (negative support) resolves doctrine/dbal#2578]( thanks to @galeaspablo **Deprecations:** - [2846: Ensure column options map to an existing method]( thanks to @greg0ire - [2996: Forward compatibility with 3.x]( thanks to @morozov - [2998: Extract some constants into TransactionIsolationLevel, TrimMode and DateIntervalUnit]( thanks to @Majkl578 **New Features:** - [2825: MariaDB 10.2 initial support]( thanks to @belgattitude - [2893: PostgreSQL 10 support]( thanks to @simPod **Bug Fixes:** - [2819: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Doctrine\\DBAL\\DBALException: Failed to connect to the database: Invalid platform version "5.5.5-10.1.25-MariaDB]( thanks to @stfast - [2868: Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\InvalidFieldNameException when working with DB schema on PostgreSQL 10]( thanks to @skobkin - [2988: renameColumn will changed default from NULL to 'NULL']( thanks to @kingshark8848 **Improvements:** - [2551: Implement the column collation for Mysql]( thanks to @mikeSimonson - [2578: DateIntervalType (negative support)]( thanks to @galeaspablo - [2588: Inherit charset from master connection if not set explicitly]( thanks to @Deltachaos - [2718: Add iterators for non pdo drivers.]( thanks to @jenkoian - [2616: CI testing of MSSQL on windows with AppVeyor]( thanks to @photodude - [2617: Testing of MSSQL on Windows with AppVeyor]( thanks to @photodude - [2835: Stop relying on Type::__toString]( thanks to @greg0ire - [2851: Test default value declaration for the date type]( thanks to @greg0ire - [2919: Add tests for column collation to prove it works]( thanks to @Tobion - [2952: Enabled testFetchLongBlob() for PDO SQL Server driver]( thanks to @morozov - [2954: The IBM DB2 Statement driver suppresses errors triggered by db2_execute]( thanks to @morozov - [2955: Removed error suppression in IBM DB2 Statement]( thanks to @morozov - [3009: PHPUnit 7]( thanks to @carusogabriel - [3013: Escape LIKE metacharacters]( thanks to @greg0ire - [3019: Allow dynamic intervals in DATE_ADD & DATE_SUB for SQLite]( thanks to @fogs - [3020: Improve handling of schemas in SQL Server >= 2008]( thanks to @stlrnz - [3031: Connection parameters are cached hashed]( thanks to @fullbl **Documentation Improvements:** - [2793: Fix articles of words sounding with a consonant (SQL => ESS-kew-ELL)]( thanks to @afoeder - [2799: Fix Shard Manager docs with more accurate docblocks in `SQLAzureShardManager` and `PoolingShardManager`]( thanks to @tolbon - [2813: fixed return type into OCI8Statement]( thanks to @AlessandroMinoccheri - [2814: Incorrect documentation example for `QueryBuilder#set()`]( thanks to @Dormilich - [2818: #2814 removing incorrect `QueryBuilder#set()` documentation, which was showing wrong password hashing and value binding practices (combo!)]( thanks to @Dormilich - [2827: use intended semantics]( thanks to @greg0ire - [2840: Proofread types doc]( thanks to @greg0ire - [2874: Tenant documentation typos]( thanks to @phil-davis - [2875: Doc typos and grammar]( thanks to @phil-davis - [2864: Removed the "OCI8: SQL Queries with Question Marks" section]( thanks to @morozov - [2935: Improve deprecation wording in `Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Column#setOptions()`]( thanks to @greg0ire - [2940: Clean up note on query builder setParameter documentation]( thanks to @jnvsor - [3027: Documentation: Warn against using object fields in MySQL and MariaDB]( thanks to @Jasu - [3068: typo in known vendor issues documentation]( thanks to @gdc676463 - [3069: fix typo in known vendor issues documentation]( thanks to @gdc676463 **Continuous Integration Improvements:** - [2801: added badges for continuousphp and other badges for 2.6]( thanks to @ppaulis - [2849: Update build to use stages (adding PHPCS to check for CS violations)]( thanks to @lcobucci - [2920: Improve build configuration]( thanks to @lcobucci - [2936: Incremental check for coding standards in pull requests]( thanks to @morozov - [2946: Attempt to run PostgeSQL 10 on Travis]( thanks to @Majkl578 - [2956: Travis: Test against lowest and dev dependencies]( thanks to @Majkl578 - [2961: Code style check fails on develop]( thanks to @morozov - [2962: Fixed code style check failures for pull request against non-master branches]( thanks to @morozov - [3050: Test SQL Server 17 on Travis]( thanks to @Majkl578 - [3056: Set Appveyor to use PHP 7.2]( thanks to @photodude - [3062: Added badges for AppVeyor]( thanks to @morozov **Code Style Improvements:** - [2789: Use short array declarations]( thanks to @AlessandroMinoccheri - [2797: Typing final class DriverManager]( thanks to @tolbon - [2798: Fix PSR2 rules : "the static declaration should come after visibility"]( thanks to @tolbon - [2800: Fix inconsistent/missing return statements]( thanks to @tolbon - [2809: Missing @throws declarations in Connection]( thanks to @bestform - [2810: add @throws declarations to docs in Connection]( thanks to @bestform - [2856: use newer PHP syntax]( thanks to @AlessandroMinoccheri - [2857: use newer PHP syntax]( thanks to @AlessandroMinoccheri - [2858: Style improvements]( thanks to @greg0ire - [2869: fixed typo into security documentation]( thanks to @AlessandroMinoccheri - [2927: Refactoring tests]( thanks to @carusogabriel - [2932: Refactoring tests]( thanks to @carusogabriel - [2934: Use Null Coalesce Operator]( thanks to @carusogabriel - [2937: Clean elses]( thanks to @carusogabriel - [2942: Combine consecutives unsets]( thanks to @carusogabriel - [2957: Whitespaces clean-up in docs]( thanks to @carusogabriel - [2965: Update Doctrine CS requirement]( thanks to @Majkl578 - [2980: Simplify returns]( thanks to @carusogabriel - [2999: CS: correct annotation types to use symbols specified in the CS rules]( thanks to @carusogabriel - [3002: Use @var instead of @param]( thanks to @carusogabriel - [3008: removed an else condition, fixed a parameter annotation and make little improvements]( thanks to @AlessandroMinoccheri - [3015: A cast statement must be followed by a single space]( thanks to @carusogabriel - [3026: Bump CS version to 3.0]( thanks to @Majkl578 - [3077: CS bump to 4.0, imports for global functions & constants]( thanks to @Majkl578 **Chore:** - [2950: Removed pre-7.1 quirks]( thanks to @Majkl578 - [2989: Update license's copyright]( thanks to @SenseException - [3024: Fixed unqualified PDO class name]( thanks to @morozov - [3060: Development branch build fails on SQL Server]( thanks to @morozov - [3061: Fixed build failure on SQL Server]( thanks to @morozov - [3071: Start SQL Server using a synchronous command to avoid intermittent login failures]( thanks to @morozov