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This is a minor release of Doctrine DBAL that aggregates over 200 fixes
and improvements that we have tested, checked, reviewed and stabilised
over the last year.

This release includes all changes of the `2.5.x` series, as well as
feature additions and improvements that couldn't land in patch releases.

**Backwards Compatibility Breaks**

This release comes with few potential Backwards Compatibility (BC)
breaks that, while unlikely affecting consumers of the library, are
to be considered.
Please take some time to read the []( documentation.
The issues related to these BC breaks are listed below.

**Dependency requirement changes**

The dependency requirements for DBAL 2.6.0 onwards have also changed:

 * HHVM is no longer officially supported
 * PHP 7.1.0 is the minimum supported PHP version
 * The PDO extension is now a required dependency


 * The `json_array` type is now to be considered deprecated
 * The `Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table#renameColumn()` API is deprecated
   and disabled
 * The `Doctrine\DBAL\Connection#getDatabasePlatform()` may
   now trigger database connections, if a platform version
   isn't provided upfront

**New features**

This release introduces a few major additions:

 * PostgreSQL 9.4+ platform support
 * MySQL 5.7.9 (GA) platform support
 * A `JsonType` that maps to JSON column types when supported
   by the underlying RDBMS
 * `DateIntervalType`
 * `DateTimeImmutableType`
 * `DateTimeTzImmutableType`
 * `DateImmutableType`
 * `TimeImmutableType`
 * `PDO::FETCH_OBJ` emulation for `mysqli` and `oci8`
 * SSL root certificate configuration support for `pdo_pgsql`
 * SSL support for `mysqli`

**Improvements and Fixes**

This release comes with a myriad of improvements and
bug-fixes that should improve both compatibility with
exotic database engines and overall performance.
We focused on stability and reliability of
existing features, and improved the overall consistency
of cross-platform behavior of the library.

A detailed list of fixes can be found below.

Total issues resolved: **224**

**BC Breaks:**

 - [2527: Normalize method signatures for `fetch()` and `fetchAll()`, ensuring compatibility with the `PDOStatement` signature]( thanks to @phansys
 - [2519: `ResultStatement#fetchAll()` must define 3 arguments in order to be compatible with `PDOStatement#fetchAll()`]( thanks to @phansys
 - [2504: URL-decode URL-style DSN]( thanks to @c960657
 - [990: DBAL-1057 Connection is not lazy anymore when platform detection is necessary](
 - [1072: DBAL-1130 #784 Connection is not lazy anymore, since platform detection was introduced - exposing the issue via broken test](


 - [916: Fix return type of `Table#renameColumn()` and mark it as deprecated]( thanks to @aivus
 - [1276: DBAL-1318 #916 Fix return type of `Table#renameColumn()` and mark it as deprecated](
 - [2782: Stop using the deprecated `json_array` type internally]( thanks to @lcobucci

**New Features:**

 - [718: Identify retryable transaction errors and cause them to raise specific exception types]( thanks to @Tobion
 - [798: Add `application_name` to PostgreSQL driver connection ]( thanks to @davividal
 - [814: Allow `serverVersion` to be explicitly unspecified (`null`)]( thanks to @BreiteSeite
 - [819: Added support for column inline comments in SQLite]( thanks to @hason
 - [824: DBAL-1143 Added Postgres 9.4 platform]( thanks to @mbeccati
 - [854: add `DateInterval` type]( thanks to @vbartusevicius
 - [892: DDC-3863 add a `json` type that doesn't have the flaws of `json_array`]( thanks to @Taluu
 - [919: add `sslrootcert` connection option to the `pdo_pgsql` driver]( thanks to @peterjmit
 - [1028: DBAL-1091 #755 Update `MysqliStatement` to emulate `PDO::FETCH_OBJ` behavior](
 - [1043: DBAL-1104 DBAL-1104 #766 Add support for object hydration in oci8 driver](
 - [1086: DBAL-1143 add JSONB type to PostgreSQL](
 - [1127: DBAL-1184 DBAL-1143 #824 Added Postgres 9.4 platform](
 - [1176: DBAL-1228 #854 add `DateInterval` type](
 - [1280: DBAL-1321 #919 add `sslrootcert` connection option to the `pdo_pgsql` driver](
 - [1882: DBAL-662 Support `DateTimeImmutable`](
 - [2266: Add native JSON type support for MySQL >=5.7.8]( thanks to @ismailbaskin
 - [2284: Added parameter `default_dbname` to pdo_pgsql driver, used to override the default database]( thanks to @kimhemsoe
 - [2306: Add "easy connect string" support for the Oci8Driver]( thanks to @bobvandevijver
 - [2307: Add support for Easy Connect string as connection parameter in OracleDB]( thanks to @bobvandevijver
 - [2450: Add immutable date types support]( thanks to @deeky666
 - [2455: Use native JSON type on MySQL >=5.7]( thanks to @rh389
 - [2570: Allow secure connections using SSL on mysqli]( thanks to @pgrau
 - [2688: Support `IS NULL` checking in `Connection#delete()` and `Connection#update()` generated criteria, allowing for `null` column searches]( thanks to @jnvsor

**Bug Fixes:**

 - [713: Prevent result cache key collisions when sharing caches across different connections]( thanks to @vilartoni
 - [784: Connection is not lazy anymore, since platform detection was introduced - exposing the issue via broken test]( thanks to @weaverryan
 - [827: Fix `DISTINCT` queries with `LIMIT` and no `ORDER` on SQLServer 2012]( thanks to @billschaller
 - [871: `SqlConsoleCommand` should show results of queries containing `RETURNING`]( thanks to @bountin
 - [918: Fix typo in `DBALException` message]( thanks to @chadrien
 - [923: DBAL-1302 Avoid rewrapping `Docrine\DBAL\Exception\DriverException` with nested drivers]( thanks to @mathroc
 - [924: Correcting reference to the `Connection#rollBack()` method - case sensitivity]( thanks to @rawkode
 - [1018: DBAL-1082: `SchemaTool` does not generate DDL for MySQL `unsigned float`](
 - [1019: DBAL-1083 DBAL-1082 #749 Fix `SchemaTool`, which does not generate DDL for MySQL `unsigned float`](
 - [1130: DBAL-1187 #827 Fix `DISTINCT` queries with `LIMIT` and no `ORDER` on SQLServer 2012](
 - [1138: DBAL-1194 #832 Fix test failures on Windows due to differing newlines](
 - [1139: DBAL-1196 #834 Remove documentation for non-existing events from `Connection#rollBack()` docblock](
 - [1281: DBAL-1322 Correct typo in driver exception message](
 - [1344: DBAL-1783 #924 Correcting reference to the `Connection#rollBack()` method - case sensitivity](
 - [2250: Unit tests are failing on OracleDB]( thanks to @DeepDiver1975
 - [2252: `ModifyLimitQueryTest::testModifyLimitQuerySubSelect()` fails on OracleDB]( thanks to @DeepDiver1975
 - [2253: SchemaManagerFunctionalTestCase::testDropsDatabaseWithActiveConnections() fails on OracleDB]( thanks to @DeepDiver1975
 - [2254: Correct `SchemaManagerFunctionalTestCase::testDropsDatabaseWithActiveConnections()` on OracleDB]( thanks to @DeepDiver1975
 - [2255: Use shorter table names, as OracleDB allows max 30 characters]( thanks to @DeepDiver1975
 - [2263: Fix failing unit tests on OracleDB]( thanks to @DeepDiver1975
 - [2276: Fix test case on OracleDB]( thanks to @deeky666
 - [2335: Correct case sensitivity of usages of the `Connection#rollBack()` method]( thanks to @kadala
 - [2314: `DateIntervalType` supports conversion of invalid values]( thanks to @MisatoTremor
 - [2316: Fix `DateInterval` database value truncation (string overflow)]( thanks to @vbartusevicius
 - [2372: Handle arbitrary whitespaces when parsing SQL in order to apply `LIMIT` for MS SQL Server]( thanks to @morozov
 - [2413: Ensure deterministic results in the `ModifyLimitQueryTest`, which may otherwise fail depending on database settings and provisioning]( thanks to @Deltachaos
 - [2427: Postgres SchemaManager is reading a default of `-1` as `(-1)` for postgres 9.4]( thanks to @DeepDiver1975
 - [2565: Both PostgreSQL 9.5 and PostgreSQL 9.6 are currently failing on Travis]( thanks to @photodude
 - [2592: Ensure the database name is always provided when trying to use pgsql in the test suite]( thanks to @mikaelkael
 - [2594: Schema generator is not adding `COMMENT` to custom types]( thanks to @fkrauthan
 - [2595: `assertValidIdentifier()` is too restrictive against OracleDB schema object naming rules ]( thanks to @IMP3ter
 - [2604: DBAL-2595 Fix retrieving last insert ID for FQN sequence name with OCI8 - allows `.` symbol in sequence names]( thanks to @deeky666
 - [2614: DBAL-2427 Fix negative default value introspection on PostgreSQL 9.4]( thanks to @deeky666
 - [2631: Fix `CREATE`/`DROP DATABASE` support on SQL Server]( thanks to @deeky666
 - [2632: Fix `"application_name"` connection parameter tests for PostgreSQL < 9.2]( thanks to @deeky666
 - [2640: Fix drivers' `exec()` method to not execute queries via prepared statements]( thanks to @deeky666
 - [2669: Add missing SSL parameters to the pdo_pgsql driver]( thanks to @fsok
 - [2671: DBAL-990 Attempt platform detection even when the database name is not set]( thanks to @deeky666
 - [2674: Correct `testListTableColumns` checked keys]( thanks to @mdwheele
 - [2692: Fix default isolation level for the MySqlPlatform]( thanks to @jnvsor
 - [2701: `DB2SchemaManager#listTableNames()` does not call `filterAssetNames`]( thanks to @asgrim
 - [2702: Added missing filtering of table name assets in DB2SchemaManager]( thanks to @asgrim
 - [2709: Adding PDO as hard dependency as per discussion in #808]( thanks to @Ocramius
 - [2733: Correct documented parameter and return types for `Connection#quote()`]( thanks to @lolli42
 - [2745: Wrong `Connection#quote()` parameter hinting, incompatible with `PDO::PARAM_*` constants]( thanks to @helsner
 - [2747: Correct `Connection#quote()` parameter hinting, now compatible with `PDO::PARAM_*` constants]( thanks to @helsner


 - [768: DBAL-1106 Improve schema introspection performance on Oracle]( thanks to @deeky666
 - [779: DBAL-1123 Initialize database schema only once per PHPUnit run]( thanks to @deeky666
 - [781: Call `detectDatabasePlatform` only once]( thanks to @rosier
 - [810: Remove redundant `Connection#connect()` calls]( thanks to @rosier
 - [829: Add PostgreSQL connection test with the new `charset` parameter]( thanks to @billschaller
 - [841: Documentation and code styling fixes]( thanks to @BenMorel
 - [848: DBAL-1219 Add missing `IBMDB2` driver functional tests]( thanks to @deeky666
 - [867: Add test for schema diffing on a table with a renamed foreign key column referencing a renamed table]( thanks to @billschaller
 - [869: Make date and time types throw exception when invalid values are passed to `convertToDatabaseValue`]( thanks to @billschaller
 - [897: Various typo and wording fixes in the codebase]( thanks to @SpacePossum
 - [899: add `requiresSQLCommentHint` in `DateIntervalType`]( thanks to @vbartusevicius
 - [902: #869 cleanups and hardening of tests around date-related types]( thanks to @Ocramius
 - [966: DBAL-1035 #718 Identify retryable transaction errors and cause them to raise specific exception type](
 - [1011: DBAL-1076: #745 Added `doModifyLimitQuery` for the `SQLServer2012Platform`, which uses `OFFSET... FETCH` instead of `LIMIT`](
 - [1045: DBAL-1106 DBAL-1106 #768 Improve schema introspection performance on Oracle](
 - [1068: DBAL-1127 #781 Call `detectDatabasePlatform` only once](
 - [1085: DBAL-1142 #796 Map `tsvector` type as `text` in PostgreSQL Platform](
 - [1089: DBAL-1146 #798 Add `application_name` to PostgreSQL driver connection](
 - [1103: DBAL-1161 #810 Remove redundant `Connection#connect()` calls](
 - [1109: DBAL-1167 #814 allow `serverVersion` to be explicitly unspecified (`null`)](
 - [1118: DBAL-1176 #819 Added support for column inline comments in SQLite](
 - [1134: DBAL-1190 #829 Add PostgreSQL connection test with the new `charset` parameter](
 - [1155: DBAL-1209 #841 Documentation and code styling fixes](
 - [1166: DBAL-1219 DBAL-1219 #848 Add missing `IBMDB2` driver functional tests](
 - [1199: DBAL-1249 #869 Make date and time types throw exception when invalid values are passed to `convertToDatabaseValue`](
 - [1213: DBAL-1261 return callable result from `Doctrine\DBAL\Connection::transactional()`](
 - [1238: DBAL-1284 #897 Various typo and wording fixes in the codebase](
 - [1242: DBAL-1288 #899 add `requiresSQLCommentHint` in `DateIntervalType`](
 - [1247: DBAL-1292 Drop PHP 5.3 support](
 - [1248: DBAL-1293 Make date and time types throw exception when invalid values are passed to `convertToDatabaseValue`](
 - [1249: DBAL-1294 #869 #902 cleanups and hardening of tests around date-related types](
 - [2309: Remove useless ternary in the `DecimalType`]( thanks to @JHGitty
 - [2317: Add the `ReservedWordsCommand` `-l` or `--list` parameter to the usage hints]( thanks to @rquadling
 - [2349: Fluent methods in QueryBuilder are now documented as returning `self`]( thanks to @mrclay
 - [2363: Add test case scenario for `LIMIT`/`OFFSET` when selecting from a sub-`SELECT`]( thanks to @Deltachaos
 - [2419: Remove PHP 5.5 support]( thanks to @Ocramius
 - [2422: Map custom exceptions for the "no default value" (1364) error in the MySQL drivers]( thanks to @MorrisJobke
 - [2425: Explicitly use `CompositeExpression#count()` method rather than `count($this)`]( thanks to @Progdom
 - [2432: Removed nearly all `call_user_*` usages]( thanks to @kimhemsoe
 - [2437: Improve the phpdoc on `Connection`]( thanks to @mnapoli
 - [2485: Remove unused parameter from `ConversionException::conversionFailedSerialization()`]( thanks to @greg0ire
 - [2493: Reuse prepared statements in the SQL Server driver]( thanks to @morozov
 - [2494: Use the same statement resource for repeated execution of the same statement on SQL Server]( thanks to @morozov
 - [2495: Optimize and improve parameter conversion in OCI8Statement]( thanks to @morozov
 - [2547: Replacing spaces in the pgsql DSN string with semicolons for consistency with pdo_pgsql]( thanks to @Chrisissorry
 - [2603: DBAL-2594 Implicitly mark types as commented in all platforms]( thanks to @deeky666
 - [2622: Remove dead code from `MasterSlaveConnection::connect()`]( thanks to @jnvsor
 - [2630: DBAL-2626 Add PHPUnit config for ContinuousPHP OracleDB testing]( thanks to @deeky666
 - [2653: Merge MySQL 5.7.9 (GA) semantics into MySQL57Platform]( thanks to @deeky666
 - [2657: Enhance phpdoc of `QueryBuilder::setParameter()`]( thanks to @UFOMelkor
 - [2658: Making the `DBALException` implement `Throwable`]( thanks to @svycka
 - [2704: Add error as well as exception handling to Mysqli drivers]( thanks to @develancer
 - [2724: Improve `Table#getColumns()` performance by reducing its runtime complexity]( thanks to @evgpisarchik
 - [2735: Mysqli is missing some driver connection options]( thanks to @leadboots5
 - [2742: Use short array declarations in the `Driver` namespace]( thanks to @AlessandroMinoccheri
 - [2746: Using short array declarations in the `MasterSlaveConnection` namespace]( thanks to @AlessandroMinoccheri
 - [2768: Add all missing MariaDB keywords to the MySQL platform]( thanks to @roelvanduijnhoven
 - [2774: Use short array declarations in the `Query` namespace]( thanks to @AlessandroMinoccheri
 - [2776: Use short array declarations in the `Sharding` namespace]( thanks to @AlessandroMinoccheri
 - [2778: Use short array declaration inside the `Tools` namespace]( thanks to @AlessandroMinoccheri
 - [2786: Map error code 1429 to `ConnectionException` in the `AbstractMySQLDriver`]( thanks to @SpacePossum

**Documentation Improvements:**

 - [761: Fixed typo in types documentation]( thanks to @BenMorel
 - [834: Remove documentation for non-existing events from `Connection#rollBack()` docblock]( thanks to @slider
 - [901: Update docs dependencies script and readme to target Ubuntu 14.04]( thanks to @billschaller
 - [904: Fix `tearDown` of some functional test cases]( thanks to @deeky666
 - [907: Corrected MySQL collation support documentation]( thanks to @mRoca
 - [909: Fix typo in transactions documentation]( thanks to @xelan
 - [915: Correcting 2 anchors in the docs that don't exist anymore]( thanks to @mikeSimonson
 - [1034: DBAL-1098 #761 Fixed typo in types documentation](
 - [1245: DBAL-1290 #901 Update docs dependencies script and readme to target Ubuntu 14.04](
 - [1257: DBAL-1300 #907 Corrected MySQL collation support documentation](
 - [1260: DBAL-1303 #909 Fix typo in transactions documentation](
 - [1275: DBAL-1317 #915 Correcting 2 anchors in the docs that don't exist anymore](
 - [2271: Correct minor formatting glitches in the transactions documentation]( thanks to @jonpasquier
 - [2290: Document exceptions for retryable transactions]( thanks to @deeky666
 - [2293: Fixed some broken links in the types documentation]( thanks to @jeanCarloMachado
 - [2322: Improve overall DBAL raised Events documentation]( thanks to @SenseException
 - [2382: Remove arbitrary line number from github link in the caching documentation]( thanks to @jacobhenke
 - [2453: Documentation for test suite runner references non-existing files]( thanks to @miholeus
 - [2454: #2453 Update test runner parameters in the documentation]( thanks to @miholeus
 - [2521: Reference global namespace classes via FQCN in the transactions documentation]( thanks to @frost-nzcr4
 - [2599: Corrected styling around the `GUID` type in the types documentation]( thanks to @tolbon
 - [2623: Generic SQL Sharding Support - Documentation of the `wrapperClass` parameter is invalid]( thanks to @ivanbogomoloff
 - [2641: DBAL-2623 Fix Generic SQL Sharding Support documentation examples]( thanks to @deeky666
 - [2664: Add oci8 persistent connection support to the configuration documentation]( thanks to @mathieubouchard
 - [2703: Correct documentation examples for the Doctrine\DBAL\Id\TableGenerator]( thanks to @JustBlackBird
 - [2736: Correcting references to `Driver\Connection` in the documentation]( thanks to @b0nd0
 - [2740: Correct classes referenced in the `Driver` implementation details in the documentation]( thanks to @b0nd0
 - [2760: Add documentation regarding transactional exceptions]( thanks to @dsantang
 - [2761: Fix documentation format regarding retryable exceptions]( thanks to @dsantang
 - [2770: Fix namespace separator in the exceptions in the transactional handling documentation]( thanks to @Tobion


 - [770: Moved `Doctrine\Tests` namespace to composer `autoload-dev`]( thanks to @guilhermeblanco
 - [778: DBAL-1122 Cleanup PHPUnit test suite bootstrap]( thanks to @deeky666
 - [787: Add left-over console file to the mapped composer binaries]( thanks to @t0xicCode
 - [825: Add postgresql 9.4 to travis builds]( thanks to @billschaller
 - [830: `` nicer badges, cleanup, 2.3 dropped]( thanks to @TomasVotruba
 - [832: Fix test failures on Windows due to differing newlines]( thanks to @billschaller
 - [837: Revert the addition of the wrong `bin` script to `composer.json`]( thanks to @stof
 - [853: Remove HHVM-nightly builds]( thanks to @stof
 - [876: Remove unused git submodules]( thanks to @Koc
 - [880: Drop PHP 5.3 from Travis-CI build matrix]( thanks to @billschaller
 - [884: Travis-CI - Switch to container-based infrastructure]( thanks to @TomasVotruba
 - [888: Allow testing against `doctrine/common` `2.6`]( thanks to @nicolas-grekas
 - [911: Fix test suite on windows: skip on missing extensions, correct path flags]( thanks to @Tobion
 - [917: Remove GIT submodule entries and use `autoload-dev` for the test suite]( thanks to @Tobion
 - [992: DBAL-1059: #735 Bump branch alias to version `2.6.0-DEV`](
 - [1006: DBAL-1071: #740 Add `2.5` build status to ``](
 - [1031: DBAL-1094: #758 Cleanup travis database creation](
 - [1050: DBAL-1110 #770 Moved `Doctrine\Tests` namespace to composer `autoload-dev`](
 - [1063: DBAL-1122 #778 Cleanup PHPUnit test suite bootstrapper](
 - [1064: DBAL-1123 #779 Initialize database schema only once per PHPUnit run](
 - [1075: DBAL-1133 #787 Add left-over console file to the mapped composer binaries](
 - [1128: DBAL-1185 #825 Add postgresql 9.4 to travis builds](
 - [1135: DBAL-1191 #830 `` nicer badges, cleanup, 2.3 dropped](
 - [1143: DBAL-1199 #837 Revert the addition of the wrong `bin` script to `composer.json`](
 - [1174: DBAL-1226 #853 Remove HHVM-nightly builds](
 - [1209: DBAL-1258 #876 Remove unused git submodules](
 - [1215: DBAL-1263 #880 Drop PHP 5.3 from Travis-CI build matrix](
 - [1219: DBAL-1267 #884 Travis-CI - Switch to container-based infrastructure](
 - [1226: DBAL-1273 #888 Allow testing against `doctrine/common` `2.6`](
 - [1252: DBAL-1297 #904 Fix `tearDown` of some functional test cases](
 - [1277: DBAL-1319 #917 Remove GIT submodule entries and use `autoload-dev` for the test suite](
 - [1282: DBAL-1323 Remove submodule entries and improve test setup](
 - [2274: Removed `2.4.x` build status from ``]( thanks to @Ocramius
 - [2278: Allow PHP 7 failure on Travis-CI]( thanks to @deeky666
 - [2282: Allow PHP 7 + `pdo_pgsql` failures on Travis-CI again]( thanks to @deeky666
 - [2340: Fix SQL queries numbering in test failure output]( thanks to @guilliamxavier
 - [2364: Display further contextual information on failed functional tests]( thanks to @Deltachaos
 - [2435: Replace `getMock()` with `createMock()`]( thanks to @deeky666
 - [2488: Blacklist buggy phpunit-mock-objects v3.2.5 from the dev dependencies]( thanks to @greg0ire
 - [2480: Exclude buggy phpunit-mock-objects v3.2.4 from the allowed dev dependencies]( thanks to @greg0ire
 - [2550: Bump HHVM version to 3.15.2+]( thanks to @photodude
 - [2564: Add PostgreSQL 9.6 to the build pipeline]( thanks to @photodude
 - [2590: Remove support for PHP 5.x]( thanks to @railto
 - [2607: DBAL-2565 Remove fragile test that cannot be abstracted across all PostgreSQL versions]( thanks to @deeky666
 - [2626: Test OracleDB abstractions in a continuous integration environment]( thanks to @photodude
 - [2629: HHVM testing needs to be in PHP 7 mode]( thanks to @photodude
 - [2633: Run SQL Azure tests conditionally]( thanks to @deeky666
 - [2655: Simplify Travis-CI build matrix]( thanks to @photodude
 - [2660: Revert PgSQL and MariaDB Travis-CI build matrix simplification]( thanks to @photodude
 - [2732: Update `docs/en/_theme` submodule references]( thanks to @eibt
 - [2750: Require PHP 7.1]( thanks to @lcobucci
 - [2755: Ensure compatibility with different MySQL versions]( thanks to @lcobucci
 - [2756: Add Scrutinizer-CI to the build pipeline]( thanks to @malukenho
 - [2757: Add mysql version 5.6 and 5.7 to Travis-CI]( thanks to @epinxteren
 - [2758: Generate code coverage via PHPUnit, pass it to Scrutinizer-CI]( thanks to @malukenho
 - [2764: Add mysql versions 5.6 and 5.7 to Travis-CI]( thanks to @zghosts