This release fixes some regressions introduced in OracleDB support in 2.5.11. Specifically, closing a cursor caused an `ORA-01002` exception to be raised in some scenarios. Further fixes include: * support for dropping "in use" databases in OracleDB and SQL Server (must disconnect first) * corrections in how the last insert ID is fetched on SQL Server * re-use of parameters bound to an sqlsrv statement via `bindValue()` Total issues resolved: **8** - [2634: Fix fetching last insert ID for sequences on SQL Server]( - [2635: Fix date diff test]( - [2636: Fix dropping in use databases on SQL Server and Oracle]( - [2637: ORA-01002: fetch out of sequence]( - [2638: Tear down active transactions in functional test cases]( - [2639: Update Version.php]( - [2645: [DBAL-2637\ Fix closing prepared statement cursor with LOB column on Oracle]( - [2646: Fix the reuse of a statement on sqlsrv with explicit bindValue()](